Posted by: Ron DuBour | June 28, 2014

Fragments of Yesterday…

ann johnson-murphree

In the dusty corners of yesterday are buried fragments

of humanity, ancient history, forgotten mothers, fathers,

children, good, evil, and beyond death a veiled ambiguous

world that is still a mystery.

A people that after millions of years of evolution, cannot

see the reality of it all; the human race learns nothing they

endlessly continue their destructive fall.

Blood drenched roads from barbarity to civilization measured

by the futility of the enlightened, and those sacrificed are

forgotten.As humans, we judge others by our own beliefs, we

recoil, we threaten, we kill, and the blood of virtue we continue

to spill.

Millions of years from now when barren land reaches as far as

the eyes can see; will the dusty corners of yesterday show

fragments of how we destroyed humanity, will the veiled curtain

of death no longer be a mystery.


Ann Johnson-Murphree books at:

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